Paul Weathington Presents at Ga OBGyn Society
- Aug 28 2017
Paul Weathington gave the morning address to the Georgia OBGyn Society at Amelia Island on August 27. The title of Mr. Weathington’s address was “Current Trends in ObGyn Litigation.”
Paul Weathington gave the morning address to the Georgia OBGyn Society at Amelia Island on August 27. The title of Mr. Weathington’s address was “Current Trends in ObGyn Litigation.”
Jesse Broocker recently presented to a group of Resurgens Orthopaedics doctors. The title of Jesse’s presentation was “Stop. Think. Email”. The presentation focused on best practices for physicians, clinicians, and ...
4/29/2017: Gabriella Klaes presented at the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Preparedness Summit attended by 1,800 who work in all levels of government (local, state, and ...
Gabe Banks was a featured speaker on 1380 WAOK Talk Radio and discussed the perils of gang membership and the rise of criminal street gang activity.
Jesse K. Broocker is a repeat source for ED Legal Letter. He is asked to comment on various topics, and has been quoted on several occasions. ED Legal Letter covers emergency ...
Paul Weathington gave a presentation to the Atlanta Spine Society on April 4th, 2017. The presentation touched on issues commonly seen in medical malpractice cases involving spine surgeons. Paul was ...
Heather Miller recently presented at Morehouse School of Medicine on the topic “Nuts and Bolts of Medical Malpractice Claim”. To request Ms. Miller as a speaker at your next event, ...
The Weathington Firm lawyers are respected by peers and media alike and are often asked to comment on current legal events. Recently, The Fulton County Daily Report asked partner Paul ...
Stan Riepe, M.D., J.D., recently spoke at the 2016 SE Medical Legal Symposium held at the State Bar of Georgia. The Module was entitled “The Art of Choosing Medical Experts ...